FAI General Assembly Vote Against adding Additional female board members

FAI General Assembly Vote Against adding Additional female board members
Alanna Cunnane
Alanna Cunnane

The FAI General Assembly voted against the addition of two more female candidates to their Board of Directors at their emergency general meeting (EGM) last night.

The constitutional change was proposed in line with Sport Ireland’s gender quota directive, which expects National Governing Bodies to have 40% female gender representation by the end of the year, or they may face cuts in funding.

A 75% majority was needed to pass the motion which would have extended the board to a 14 person grouping, although it failed to reach that target, with reports suggesting only 66% voted in favour of the change.


It puts €4.35 million of government funding at risk should they fail to meet the outlined quota by the end of 2023.

In a statement the FAI confirmed the outcome of the vote, citing that they will “now reflect on the decision, work through the next steps, and have a revised position for the General Assembly to review at the December 9th AGM.”


“It remains the FAI’s firm position to achieve the required 40% female representation on the Board,” they added.

A follow up EGM is now scheduled for the 2nd of December, a week before their AGM on 9th of December, having already been delayed from the 21st of October in order to facilitate yesterday’s meeting.

Should the proposal have passed it would have seen a 7-7 split amongst the board members, containing a mix of people already involved in football, as well as independent directors.

Last night’s AGM was FAI chairman Roy Barrett’s last act in the position, having announced he was stepping away in January of this year to “a clear opportunity for the Board, to ensure that at least 40 per cent of the Directors are female by the end of 2023.”

It remains to be seen what will arise from the follow up AGM in the scramble to meet Sport Ireland's projected target within that time period.

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