England Netball Unveils Plans To Push For Netball Professionalisation in UK

England Netball Unveils Plans To Push For Netball Professionalisation in UK
Jessica Gardiner
Jessica Gardiner

England Netball has unveiled a comprehensive plan to propel the sport toward professionalism. This comes following the announcement of the highly anticipated relaunch of the Netball Super League (NSL) in 2025.

These plans represent a paradigm shift that will extend over the next decade, promising remarkable transformations both on and off the court. Innovation will be the driving force, with an unwavering focus on fan experiences that will underpin the game's growth.


Beginning in 2025, teams will compete in larger venues and arenas, match day events will be enhanced to captivate live and televised audiences and competition improvements will guarantee more thrilling and competitive matches. The elite environment will also experience significant advancements.

England Netball is reaching out to new stakeholders who wish to express their interest in participating in the revamped league starting from the 2025 season.


Fran Connolly, CEO of England Netball, expressed the organization's dedication to elevating the sport: "In 2021, England Netball launched its 'Adventure Strategy,' outlining our ambitious plans for the sport. Netball has been on an upward trajectory, becoming the number one team sport for women in England, with more than three million annual players and a staggering TV audience of 5.6 million during the recent Netball World Cup, where the Vitality Roses made history."

"We are now presented with an incredible opportunity to build on this foundation and take our domestic game to the next level." Get ready for a thrilling new chapter in the world of netball!"

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