The Monday Coffee Break was never supposed to be player interviews, it was to round up all the camogie action from the weekend in a bite size format. Today is our fifteenth player interview version, it’s crazy to think it’s that long since we saw any action.
Thankfully that’s all about to change and we should have a fixture plan from the camogie association this week. So today is the last of the player interviews before we start back with the match reviews in July. And we have saved one of the best for last. Winner of the public vote to fill the goalkeeper spot, this week’s guest is not only the All-Star goalie but a prolific forward in the club championship. Grab a coffee, kick back and enjoy five minutes with St. Thomas’ and Galway star Sarah Healy.

Coffee order: Not a coffee or a tea drinker but if I had to go for a hot drink I’d go for a hot chocolate
Occupation: Student in GMIT
Place you first pucked a ball: Down in St.Thomas’. Dad was over the senior camogie team so I used to go training with him when I was 3
Who makes your hurls: Seamus Canning in Mullagh
Any nicknames: Healy
WH: Very original friends you have ????
Out of all the teams you’ve played for, what’s your fav jersey: The Thomas’ one
If you could have the jersey of one opponent that you respect the most who would it be: Never played against her but Katrina Parrock. Remember watching her play and just thought she was unreal
Who’s the biggest whinger at county training: Aoife Donohue definitely. She complains about everything and anything!
Most likely to hang you out to dry on social media on the sesh: Aoife again! Never puts the phone down!
WH: You’re kind of hanging her out to dry here yourself Sarah! She’s on the podcast next week we’ll give her a chance to fire back ????
Of everything you’ve won what’s your most cherished medal: All-Ireland 2019
Medals up on the wall or thrown in a drawer: I think most of them are thrown in a box!
Midi or long socks: Midi definitely!
Carpool karaoke on the way to training, which song and who would you choose to belt it out with: I’d bring Heather Cooney coz I wouldn’t even get to training without her! Hanno for the dance moves and Modge to sing us a few songs! And for the song, anything Modge will sing, probably her favourite Old Town Road!
Fav pre match meal: Usually have scrambled egg in the morning
Favourite cheat meal: Chinese
Favourite ground to hurl in: Thomas’, Kenny Park, Croke Park
Name one thing you have to do to play county that you will stop immediately on retirement: Considering I just turned 20 hopefully this won’t be any time soon but telling my friends I can’t go somewhere because I have training
You may not know this about me but… I won an All-Ireland with my secondary school St.Brigids playing corner forward
WH: In that case, Spoiler Alert in the intro
Finally Sarah, hurling rules or keep it as it is: Hurling rules… I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t be…
WH: Us neither Sarah, us neither
This article was brought to you in association with Women's Hurling.